telnet Command

You may need to turn on telnet on computer programs. Just go to control panel and click on the "Add/Remove features" like uninstall a program, software.

To use telnet, follow the steps below:
  1. First, find out the ip address of the server/main computer. For this you need to access the server and use the ipconfig command in MS-DOS. See Additional Information section for more details about this command.
  2. Select the Windows key and the R key.
  3. In the Run box type CMD.
  4. Select OK.
  5. Type Telnet <IP Address> 13531.
    Note: Do not include the <> when entering the IP Address.
  6. If you see a blank cursor then the connection is fine. You can close the command prompt window.
  7. If you get the message that 'telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file. You may need to turn on telnet on computer programs. Just go to control panel and click on the "Add/Remove features" like uninstall a program, software. 
  8. If you get an error or are unable to telnet to the server please contact your Network Administrator.

If the server's ip address is, then:

  1. Open command prompt on the workstation computer
  2. Type: telnet 13531


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