Installing Server 2016

First of all, I recommend you to watch a free teaching YouTube serials which is shown below:

To purchase Server 2016, you need to also purchase CAL (Client Access Licence).
User CAL:
Device CAL:
Remote Desktop Session CAL:

There are 3 edition: Before purchasing server, check capability of your machine and edition of your server (support or limit).
  • Essentials: Basic One.
  • Standard
  • DataCenter
  • Desktop Experience: provides a full graphical interface
  • Server Core: can be administered from the command prompt and Windows Powershell. Less graphic more memory. Less update, less software, less footprint,
  • Nano server: administrated from remote, can't login  onto locally.
    *Please note that you can't changed the interfaces later on Server 2016. (On Server 2012; you can switch it.) You can't go from server core to desktop experience OR from Desktop Experience to server core.
Also there are Hyper-V server 2016 (can be downloaded from microsoft with no charge) and storage server 2016 (everything comes in server. can be purchased from microsoft or approved company it has two types; workgroup (basic one) and standard.)

INSTALLING Server 2016 (Desktop Experience):

It is simple as installing Windows 7. Boot from usb or dvd.

If you have previous server such as server 2012 R2,  you should choose 1st option. Read the picture.

Do following items:

  • Put a strong administrator password. 
  • Check the date and time.
  • Rename the computer
  • put a static IP
  • Install all windows updates.
  • Enable the remote desktop connection.

NOTE 1: Installing all roles in the same server is old fashion. The best way install virtual server on the same physical server and install roles on this server.

Installing Server Roles/Feature via Server Manager: The server must be Desktop Experience. (had a graphical user interface (GUI)).
If you have virtual machine and want to install it on it; you should choose

Installing Server Roles/Feature via Powershell: Right click on the powershell and click on the "Run As Administrator".
First see all roles and feature.  type get-windowsfeature It will give you all features Name , powershell code name, and install status. PLEASE NOTE THAT uppercase or lower case is not problem. Space is important. There should not be a space.

 Get-Command It shows all powershell codes.

Get-Command -Name *Auth* It shows all commands which contain "auth" .
It is not lowercase/uppercase sensitive.

Server 2016 (Server Core): 

After installing server core interface. The server will ask you to change administrator password. 

Then, you should make basic setup such as renaming computer, changing IP address. To do that you need to run sconfig command. (Server Configuration =>sconfig)

Type the number. and follow the instructions. If you have something like " (R)estart " means type R make will choose this option.


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