Sonicwall; Open a port and how to use sonicwall wizard
I want to explain how to open a port on Sonicwall firewall.
To open a port; you need to create the followings. If you do that in order, it will be easy.
1- Address Object: Create a host on the LAN zone. (For example; Phonesystem computer; 10.x.x.x) If it is not created, create a host for WAN zone. (For example; External IP;
Address Group=You can group some address objects in one group.
Address Group=You can group some address objects in one group.
2- Service Object: Create 'servicename' with port number or HTTP/HTTPS or another service.
4- Firewall Access Rule: Give access permission from WAN>LAN.
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If you use wizard, it will be more easy.
Q: What can you do with sonicwall wizard?
If you use wizard, it will be more easy.
Q: What can you do with sonicwall wizard?
- Setup Guide - This wizard will help you quickly configure the SonicWall to secure your Internet connection. Once completed, you can use the SonicWall Web Management Interface for additional configuration.
- Public Server Guide - Quickly configure your SonicWall to provide public access to an internal server.
- VPN Guide - Create a new site-to-site VPN Policy or configure the WAN GroupVPN to accept connections from the Global VPN Client.
- App Rule Guide - Configure the security features for App Rule
- WXA Setup Guide - Configure the coupled WXA series appliance for WAN Acceleration.