Google Sheet Adds-On
Today, I want to share my useful adds-on with you.
- autoCrat: This adds-on makes PDF and send emails to users with the attached PDF.
- formmule-Email merge: It sends email according to sheet data.
You can create email templates and set up triggers such as form and time triggers. - Remove Blank Rows (and more!): It remove or hide blank rows.
- copyDown: There are formula in the 1st row. This add-on paste formula or paste as value on the other rows.
P.S. If you use ARRAYFORMULA, you may need to use it! - formMule-CalendarMerge: It creates Google Calendar event and put in the assigned Google Calendar and shared with assigned users.
- formRanger: Remember, student and staff forms. You do not need to update the form lists everytime one by one. formRanger takes the form choices directly from a sheet. It allows you to populate multiple choice, list, checkbox, and grid options from columns in any Sheet or Doctopus roster.
- Choice Eliminator 2: You can create a parent teacher conference. It automatically remove options that have already been selected in a Google Form.
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